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警卫基础建设是警卫工作建设的重要组成部分,是圆满完成各项警卫工作任务的基础保障。以“三基”工程建设为契机,发挥县级公安机关实战主体作用,完善各项工作机制,积极探索基础工作新模式是在实践中总结出来的经验和思路,是警卫基础建设的必由之路和研究充实的方向。  相似文献   
边疆民族地区特殊的自然、史地、经济社会、宗教及文化环境,决定了边疆民族地区危机情势的特殊性。这种特殊性要求主要表现在以下五个方面:安全形势严峻,应急机制责任重大,意义特殊;客观条件限制,创构应急机制难度大,任务艰巨;经济社会发展相对落后,对应急机制资源整合能力要求高;宗教文化及民族风俗因素影响广泛,对应急机制创新性要求高等。  相似文献   
当前,公安现役部队专业技术干部人才队伍竞争激励机制建设还存在评审机制需要完善、奖惩机制不健全、制度建设针对性不强等突出问题,所以,必须创新管理理念,建立和完善专业技术干部人才队伍建设机制。重点是完善专业技术干部人才队伍选拔使用机制,建立具有公安现役部队特色的专业技术干部评价机制,构建公安现役部队专业技术干部成长的长效激励机制。  相似文献   
目前,军队院校科研评价与监督机制中存在着一些突出问题,在一定程度上影响和阻碍了军队院校科研工作的快速发展。分析存在问题的原因,从军队院校长远发展的战略高度充分认识创新军队院校科研评价与监督机制的必要性与紧迫性,探讨改革军队院校科研评价与监督机制的基本途径与思路,对于保证军队院校科研管理工作高效运转具有重要而深远的战略意义。  相似文献   
As a generalization of k‐out‐of‐n:F and consecutive k‐out‐of‐n:F systems, the consecutive k‐within‐m‐out‐of‐n:F system consists of n linearly ordered components such that the system fails iff there are m consecutive components which include among them at least k failed components. In this article, the reliability properties of consecutive k‐within‐m‐out‐of‐n:F systems with exchangeable components are studied. The bounds and approximations for the survival function are provided. A Monte Carlo estimator of system signature is obtained and used to approximate survival function. The results are illustrated and numerics are provided for an exchangeable multivariate Pareto distribution. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
采用等温差示扫描量热(DSC)法,研究了CTD-128环氧树脂与GA-327(DDM改性芳胺)的固化度-时间变化关系;采用AR2000EX型旋转流变仪,测试了上述体系的等温黏度-时间关系.比较等温条件下的固化度-时间关系和黏度-时间关系,建立了等温条件下的黏度-固化度的等时对应关系,结果表明在纯化学增黏机制影响下,树脂体系的黏度随固化度增加先缓慢增加,当固化度增大到一定程度后黏度快速增加.将等温条件下的黏度-固化度关系进行变换,得到恒定固化度下的黏度-温度关系,揭示了在物理减黏机制影响下,树脂体系黏度随温度的增加而降低,并且黏度降低幅度随固化度的增加而增大.两种黏度影响机制分离的实现,为反应性树脂体系实时黏度的准确预测提供了技术支持.  相似文献   
Micro-TATB particles with different sizes and 3D nanoporous TATB architectures with different specific surface areas were prepared through recrystallization to study short pulse duration shock initiation properties by electric gun technology. For micro-TATB, the initiation threshold significantly decreases with TATB average size ranging from 79.7 μm to 0.5 μm. For 3D nanoporous TATB architecture, the initiation threshold decreases and then increases with specific surface areas increased from 9.6 m2/g to 36.2 m2/g. The lowest initiation thresholds are obtained for the micro-TATB with average sizes of 1.3 μm and 0.5 μm, and 3D nanoporous TATB architecture with specific surface area of 22.4 m2/g. The shock initiation thresholds of micro-TATB and 3D nanoporous TATB architectures show significantly decreases with the porosity increased. The decomposition reaction and thermal conductivity properties were further investigated to understand the initial response mechanism. High porosity provides more collapse sites to generate high temperature for formation of hot spots. The low thermal conductivity and decomposition temperature could enhance the formation and ignition of the hot spots, and initial decomposition reaction of TATB. The effect of the decomposition temperature is higher than that of the thermal conductivity on the shock initiation properties. The enhanced decomposition reaction could promote energy release and transfer process from the ignition to the combustion. This work offers a new insight to understand the effects of microstructure on the shock initiation properties and the initial response mechanism of TATB.  相似文献   
本文针对水际岸滩沉船顽固障碍难以破除的现实课题,通过列举沉船顽固障碍的危害性,分析了其碍障作用机理,探索和总结了一套平战时敌沉船顽固障碍定位标识的数据库,并对几种常用的破除方法进行了可行性分析。为增强对沉船顽固障碍碍航的直接认识,本文从实战角度分析近年来因碰触沉船而发生的现实事故,提出了优先回避原则,据此可避开沉船等障碍物规划编队航行路线。此外,紧急作战情况时若发现沉船顽固障碍,出于航道有限或战法需要,必须对沉船顽固障碍物进行破坏清除。目前沉船顽固障碍清除的方法主要有快速打捞或者移位法、水下爆破辅以水下切割的解体法、依托陆军现有爆破装备破除法以及联合引导空海火力清除法四种方法。 [关键词] 沉船顽固障碍;作用机理;探测定位;破坏清除  相似文献   
贯彻落实科学发展观是当今社会发展的主题。要把科学发展观贯穿于武警院校后勤教学全过程,必须转变教学观念,创新教学思路;按照教学要求,完善教学设施,改进教学方法与手段;大胆进行教学内容改革,完善教学体系;加强教员队伍建设,奠定优质课教学基础。  相似文献   
针对电子设备告警系统故障具有隐蔽性的特点,考虑检查不完善的因素,运用延迟时间概念,以系统期望可用度最大为优化目标,建立了电子设备隐蔽功能故障检查优化模型。提出了优化检查间隔期的算法,并通过实际案例验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   
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